El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank runs off the time volunteers donate. EPFH could not fight hunger in the borderland without their support.
Season 29 Communicator Awards Excellence in Commercials-Non-Profit for Film & Video
Season 29 Communicator Awards Distinction in General-Cause Marketing for Branded Content
This commercial is part of a campaign named “Beautiful.” I wanted to take an object typically overlooked or considered unappealing and show its “beautiful” qualities.
Season 29 Communicator Awards Excellence in Individual-Video for Online Advertising & Marketing
This is a 1 minute PSA I did for the holidays. In the borderland, between December 2022 and January 2023, we saw a massive surge of migrants crossing to the U.S. El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank is on the frontlines of humanitarian aid. In this video, I try to humanize the situation during the Christmas weekend.
Season 29 Communicator Awards Excellence in General-Non-Profit for Film & Video
This was a 1 min long PSA I did for our “Children of El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank” campaign.
This commercial is part of a campaign named “Beautiful.” I wanted to take an object typically overlooked or considered unappealing and show its “beautiful” qualities.
Mike Dee is a Power102 DJ. You wouldn’t know it through the radio but Mike is blind. He doesn’t let his disability hold him back, oh no! He came up with a way to inspire disabled youth to do the same.
A little girl sells painted rocks to raise money for her grandmother’s tombstone.
The very first trip for me on the “Mike Dee Big Adventure”.
This canal claimed the lives of several immigrants and our anchor dove into the waters to see just how dangerous it really is.
The incredible community outreach that paid respect to a gravesite long forgotten.
Mike Dee takes kids with disabilities on a trip of a lifetime, but no one knows what the parents go through… until now.
A boy’s battle with cancer inspires him to speak out about blood donation. We plan a surprise to pay it back to this brave boy.
Pay It Forward 30-minute special. This story centers around a family and a house in disrepair.
A Holloween story of a place in the Organ Mt. that hikers say is haunted.
This story follows an Ft. Bliss soldier that had an incredible claim that turned out to be all a lie.